Solving equations: For solving equations, inequations, systems of equations,
differential equations, recurring sequences.
Linear algebra: Operations over matrices, reduction of matrices, etc.
Operations on numbers: Basic operations, complex numbers, etc.
Operations on functions and sequences: Calculation of derivatives, limits, integrals, numerical sequences, etc.
Operations on finite fields and polynomials mod p.
Operations on Groebner bases and Multivariate polynomials: Determination of a groebner basis (reduced or not),
calculation of S-polynomial, ideals, normal form etc.
2D & 3D graphics
2D graphics: Functions of one variable \(x\), parametric functions, implicit functions, etc
3D graphics: Functions of two variables \(x, y\) and parametric functions.
Diagrams: 2D and 3D bar charts, 2D and 3D histograms, 2D curves,
2D scatterplots, pie charts, box plot, Violin plot, Displot etc.
Probability calculation: Discrete and continuous probability distributions.
Approximation of laws: Convergence in distributions.
Univariate descriptive statistics: Characteristics with central tendencies, characteristics of dispersions
and shapes.
Bivariate descriptive statistics: Contingency chi-square, covariance, Stchuprow’s T, etc.
Inferential statistics : Estimation by confident interval and hypothesis testing.
Spreadsheet: Open and save files in excel, csv and json formats; operations on a table.
Euclidean lattices: Simulation of a Euclidean lattices in 2 dimension.
Coding Theory: Linear codes, binary Hamming codes, operations on linear codes.
Elliptic curves: Weierstrass short form, Montgomery form, group law and operations on a curve.
on a curve.
Cryptosystems : Classical encryption schemes : Shift, Affine, Vigenere, Hill, etc.
View: toolbar and tip of the day
Color text display frame
Language: english or french.
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About the developers: information about the developers.