University Cheikh Anta Diop - Dakar

Installation guide for Windows

To install SimulaMath on Windows, simply run the installation program (SimulaMath-vXXX-Windows-x64-XXX.exe if you have a 64 bits version of Windows or SimulaMath-vXXX-Windows-x86-XXX.exe if you have a 32-bit version) by double-clicking on it in the Windows Explorer. The automatic installation program starts and guides you through the installation process; simply follow the instructions on the screen.

SimulaMath will be installed for all users (if you are the administrator), or for you only (if you are not). This allows you to install SimulaMath without any administrator rights.

Installation Guide for Mac OS X

To install SimulaMath on an Apple Macbook, double-click on the file SimulaMath-vXXX-macosx-XXX.pkg, the installation process will begin. Then follow the instructions until your installation is complete.

SimulaMath is not a signed Apple application. Therefore, Gatekeeper (if you have OSX Mountain Lion or older) may complain about this. This is normal. If the installation is blocked, click on the Open Anyway button in the General pane of Security & Privacy preferences. This button is available for about an hour after you try to open SimulaMath (for more details see Mac Guide).

Installation guide for Linux

To install SimulaMath on Linux, copy (or download) the file on your computer, then open your terminal and move to the folder that contains file. Usually this file will not have the required permissions to run. To give the file execution permissions , do one of the following:

  • On the command line, type chmod +x

  • In the file manager, right-click on the file, select “Permissions”, then check the box “Allow the file to run as a program”.

Finally, run ./ in your terminal. You may be asked your password. If so, simply enter it and validate.

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